Important Dates and Deadlines for NPTE

For updates on possible changes, visit the Federation of State Boards of PT (FSBPT) website at 

PTA – April 1 – 2, 2025 EXAM

  • February 25, 2025 – Registration and Payment Deadline for NPTE (FSBPT)
  • March 18, 2025 – Deadline to reserve seat with Prometric Testing Center
  • April 9, 2025 – Scores reported to the PT Board

PT – April 29 – 30, 2025 EXAM

  • March 25, 2025 – Registration and Payment Deadline for NPTE (FSBPT)
  • April 15, 2025 – Deadline to reserve seat with Prometric Testing Center
  • May 7, 2025 – Scores reported to the Board

 For additional testing dates and deadlines, click here.

The Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (PT Board) is a participating state in the  Alternate Approval Pathway (AAP) for applicants from accredited programs for licensure by examination. The AAP separates the functions of exam registration/approval from licensure application/issuance. The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) has the final authority to determine who is eligible to sit for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) with input from the schools, and the PT Board  concentrates on the requirements for issuing a license once the NPTE is passed by an applicant. 

The AAP does not affect the current procedure for processing foreign-educated applicants.


Steps for Applying for a License By Exam  

Step 1. Apply and pay the fee online.      PT only   PTA only

Temporary License: You may pay for the optional temporary license online when you apply. If you don’t pay for a temporary license when you submit your online application, you need to mail a check or money order payble to ECPTOTE along with the temporary license affidavits to the address at the bottom of the page.  Click the following link for more information about PT Temporary Licenses

You must provide your social security number (SSN) to obtain a license.  If you do not have an SSN, you must submit an SSN Statement stating that you do not have one.

Step 2. Complete items 1 – 5 below in ANY order.  

  1. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT: Contact the registrar at your school and have them submit an official transcript directly to the Board.The transcript must show at least active enrollment in the final semester of the PT or PTA program and must be sent directly to the Board by the registrar. Transcripts issued to and mailed by the student will not be accepted.

    Transcripts in pdf form will be accepted if sent directly from the registrar’s office to Transcripts still need to show at least active enrollment in the last semester of the program.

    Electronic transcripts sent by a third party processor are acceptable.

    This applies only to graduates of CAPTE-accredited programs.  All others must submit an educational evaluation.                                                                              

  2. PASSPORT-TYPE PHOTO: A recent, 2 in. x 2 in. passport-type photo must be submitted to the Board either by mail or digitally.

    By Mail: Computer-printed photos are not acceptable and will delay the processing of your application. Photos must be on standard photographic paper, with the printed name, date of birth, and signature of the applicant on the reverse in dark ink. For information regarding passport-type photo requirements, click here.               
                                                                                                                                      By Email: An emailed digital photo is acceptable if it adheres to the U.S. Department of State specifications found at                           
    Email a digital photo as an attachment to Include your name as it appears on your application and your birthdate in the text of the email.    

    Do not submit a copy or your passport as this would not meet the requirement and will be rejected.

  3. LETTER OF COMPLETION:                                                                                      For graduates of CAPTE-accredited programs Outside of Texas: A Letter of Completion form must be completed and submitted by your program director or school registrar. A Letter of Completion form received from the applicant will not be accepted.

    For graduates of Texas CAPTE-accredited programs: Your program director will send a Letter of Completion with a list of graduating students directly to the Board. You do not need to send a separate Letter of Completion form.   

    Does not apply to foreign-educated applicants.                                                                             

  4. TEXAS JURISPRUDENCE ASSESSMENT MODULE (TX JAM): Take the online Jurisprudence Assessment ModuleA score report will be sent directly to the Board by the FSBPT.            
  5. FINGERPRINTING: A Criminal Background Check via Fingerprinting is required prior to issuance of a license. See information linked from homepage for details.

You can track your progress toward licensure on the Applicant Status Lookup page. Processing time for documents submitted could take up to 3 business days.

Issuing a license could take 3-10 business days once the last required item is received and processed.

Steps for Examination

Step 1. Register to take the NPTE through FSBPT.

Once your school has verified that you are on track to graduate to the FSBPT, you can register to take the NPTE. More information about the schedules and deadlines for future fixed date exams.

Step 2. Schedule your exam.

After the FSBPT has verified your eligibility, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email with instructions on reserving your seat with a Prometric Testing Center.

Step 3. Take the exam.

Once you take the exam, the FSBPT will report your score to the PT Board one week after the test date.  Find out whether you passed or failed at that time by logging into your FSBPT candidate account.  

Test Accommodations: 

For CAPTE-Accredited Applicants:  If you require accommodations on the national exam, you need to request accommodations at the time that you register to take the NPTE. To request accommodations, email to receive forms and instructions. More information on testing accommodations is available through the FSBPT’s website

For Foreign-Educated Applicants:  If you require accommodations on the national exam, go to

Mailing Address:

Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
1801 Congress Ave Ste 10.900
Austin, Texas 78701

Important Phone Numbers:

PT Board – 512-305-6900
FSBPT – 703-739-9420
Prometric Testing Center – 800-796-9857