CE Amendments effective 6/1/2024
See the Continuing Educationand OT Act and Rules pages for further information regarding the amendments. When selecting CE activities completed on or after June 1, 2024, refer to the requirements in the current Chapter 367, Continuing Education, of the OT Rules, which took effect June 1, 2024.
CE Requirement, effective 9/1/2020 – HHSC-Approved Training Course each renewal period on the Prevention of Human Trafficking
See the Human Trafficking Training tab on the Continuing Education page.
When the licensee is not working in occupational therapy, an inactive status license is an option.
With an inactive status license one may not practice occupational therapy at all (ex: not PRN, not as a consultant, etc.).
A licensee may remain on inactive status for no more than three renewals or six consecutive years.
The inactive status licensee still must complete 24 hours of CE each renewal cycle and is still part of the CE audit.
Fingerprinting is not a requirement to initiate or renew an inactive status license.
The inactive status licensee can return to active status at any time after meeting requirements. The licensee must pass the jurisprudence exam and submit: fingerprinting information if the fingerprinting requirement had not been previously satisfied, a paper renewal form with payment of the full renewal fee, and any other requirements as applicable.
The inactive status licensee must renew the inactive status with a paper renewal form and not online.
To initiate inactive status or to renew an inactive status license, download the OT/OTA License Renewal Form and check Inactive Status as your choice. The Jurisprudence Exam may be accessed from this link.
For further information and regulations, see the OT Rules and Act.
The licensee may choose to put the license on retired status.
Read the OT Rules for the current information on the retired status. The change of status may be made only at the time of renewal and the completion of CE is required. Licensees on retired status are subject to the CE audit.
Use the OT/OTA Retired License Application/Renewal form to put your license on retired status or renew that status.
The Jurisprudence Exam may be accessed from this link.
For further information and regulations, see the OT Rules and Act.
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