Renew an Expired (Late) License

If you are renewing your license which is expired less than 90 days, submit the following:

o    The License Renewal form submitted by mail

o    A check or money order for the renewal fee plus a late fee equal to 1/2 the renewal fee

o    The required CCUs including the Jurisprudence Assessment Module

o    A criminal history record report obtained through fingerprinting.*

o    Human Trafficking Prevention Training if renewing on or after 9/01/2020. See Human Trafficking Prevention Training 

If you are renewing your license which is expired between 90 days and 364 days, submit the following:

o    The License Renewal form submitted by mail

o    A check or money order for the renewal fee plus a late fee equal to the renewal fee

o    The required CCUs including the Jurisprudence Assessment Module

o    A criminal history record report obtained through fingerprinting.*

o    Human Trafficking Prevention Training if renewing on or after 9/01/2020. See Human Trafficking Prevention Training 

* Licensees need to comply with the fingerprinting requirement if they have not previously submitted fingerprints for initial issuance of a TX license or for a prior TX license renewal or restoration. See information linked from homepage for details.


Look Up Fees


IF YOUR LICENSE HAS BEEN EXPIRED FOR ONE YEAR OR MORE, you may not renew your license but must restore it. Information about license restoration.