9. If I come from a country where English is the native language, or if my PT program was taught in English, do I have to take the TOEFL, TSE, and TWE?

Graduates of entry-level physical therapy programs in Australia, Canada (except Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand and the United Kingdom do not have to submit scores for the TOEFL test if applying be examination.  Also, graduates from a CAPTE-accredited program are exempt. If your physical therapy degree is from a university in a country not on the […]

7. My entry-level PT degree is from a foreign program that was or is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).  Am I exempt from any requirements?

The Board recognizes an entry-level degree from a foreign CAPTE-accredited program as equivalent to one issued by a U.S. CAPTE-accredited program. You will NOT need to meet the educational credentials evaluation and TOEFL requirements but will need to arrange for an official transcript (for by exam and by endorsement applicants) and a letter of completion (for […]

6. When can I get a temporary license?

You can get a temporary license ONLY if you have never taken the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). A temporary license can ONLY be issued after we have received all of the required items for licensure with the exception of a passing score on your first NPTE attempt.

5. Does the Board accept an evaluation done by a company not on the approved list?

No. The Board only accepts educational credentials evaluations completed by credentialers on the Board-approved list. The Board requires that your education be evaluated using a Coursework Tool (CWT) developed by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy.  Applicants by examination must be evaluated using the most current version of the CWT. Applicants by endorsement must be evaluated […]

3. Will the Board accept a TOEFL score report directly from me?

No.  The Board will not accept scores from the applicant.  If you are applying for a license by exam, we will only accept TOEFL scores sent directly to us by Educational Testing Service (ETS).  TOEFL scores are not required for an applicant by endorsement.

2. Does the Board make exceptions to the rules for applicants?

There are some exemptions and exceptions specified in PT Rules §329.5. For example, the rule states that the Board requires foreign-trained applicants by examination to take the TOEFL test, but it lists both exemptions and exceptions in which an applicant may not have to meet the requirement. 

1. Do I have to have a Master’s degree to get a license in Texas?

No.  As stated in PT Rules §329.5(1), you must have completed an educational program substantially equivalent to U.S. programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).  “Substantially equivalent” means close enough in total number of coursework hours, content, and clinical experience (as determined by a Board-approved credentialer) to assure the Board […]