3. Does anyone need to co-sign my notes while I have a temporary license?
No. The Board does not require co-signatures on notes written by temporary licensees. The notarized affidavits you sent to us stand as a guarantee that a licensed PT is closely supervising you as you begin practice.
2. What can I do with a temporary license?
Legally, you can do anything a person with a permanent license can do if you have the appropriate training and competence – but you must have onsite supervision by a licensed PT. Home Health is not an option for a temporary licensee unless you are accompanied on each visit by your supervising PT. See the […]
1. When will I get my temporary license?
You will get a temporary license when you have completed your professional program, have registered to take the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE), have submitted temporary licensee and supervisor affidavits, and have met all of the other requirements for licensure by examination. Effective March 1, 2015 a temporary licensee may begin work on the basis […]