3. How does Physical Therapy work in the ECI setting?
Formation of an Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Work Group was authorized by the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (PT Board) in April 2022 with the task of reviewing and updating the PT Rules/ECI Crosswalk (Crosswalk) that was developed in 2006. The Work Group consisted of Physical Therapists who work in the ECI setting, as […]
2. Is a PT in a school setting required to reevaluate a student every 30 days?
No, evaluations and reevaluations in the educational setting should be conducted in accordance with federal mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), or when warranted by a change in the child’s condition, and include onsite reexamination of the child. The Plan of Care (Individual Education Program) must be reviewed by the PT at […]
1. Can physical therapy be provided as a Supplementary Service in the School Setting?
It is not within the scope of its authority for the Board to determine whether or not physical therapy can be provided as a supplementary aid or service in the school setting. If physical therapy is provided as either a related or a supplementary service, the Board’s authority lies in determining whether or not the […]